Vaccinations for your Indo Surf Trip

by | Apr 28, 2011 | Surf Travel

When preparing for a surf trip to Indonesia we recommend you review the items below and consult with your primary physician to determine what medication is recommend for the region you will be traveling to.  Two of the most common diseases are Typhoid and Malaria which occur on Bali as well as on the outer islands, they are less common afflictions in the southern areas of Bali.  If you don’t like getting shots and having your arm hurt before a surf trip, most vaccines now come in pill form and can be administered orally.

The following vaccinations are the most common:

• Malaria (mild antibiotic, oral pills)

• Typhoid (oral vaccine taken prior to traveling)

• Anti-diarrhea (oral pills)

Here are some other diseases to be aware of and possibly get vaccines for depending on what region you are traveling to:
• Hepatitis B
• Polio
• Japanese Encephalitis
• Tuberculosis
• Dengue Fever
• Avian influenza – Bird Flu
• Herpes B
• Rabies

We recommend you consult with your physician/doctor before taking any medication.  There are a few other medications you may want to bring on your surf trip including; Dramamine pills and swimmers ear drops.

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