Welcome Back Cloudbreak

Cloudbreak was going off the other day, and some of the world’s best surfers were there to enjoy it. The periods were really long, creating walls linking from The Point through Shish Kebabs. Some of the CT guys were there to get ready for the event, but I think...

Matanivusi Does it Again

Matanivusi Surf Resort in Fiji, the world’s first surf resort to be certified as sustainable by STOKE Certified in 2014, is now the first to be re-certified for their continued efforts in sustainability management, environmental conservation, and community...

The Inertia: Samoan Snapshots

Surf resort boatmen are the antithesis of a nine-to-fiver. It’s not the most lucrative gig, but it’s one of the most soul-satisfying occupations a surfer could ever have. On a recent trip to Salani Surf Resort in Samoa, Sean Murphy of Waterways Travel invited...

Maldives “Managed Surf Access”

From 2014 two of the best surf spots in the Maldives, Sultans & Honky’s will be a managed surf location by the company establishing the resort to be built on Thanburudhoo Island; this sustainable management policy will seek to find a balance between low crowds...

2013 Airline Surfboard Baggage Charges

Sweet talking the airline lady at check-in to try and get your quiver of surfboards on the plane at no charge doesn’t really work these days.  Also, arguing with the airline staff at the check-in counter about golfer’s not being charged for their clubs...