Namotu Island Resort Launches New Website

Namotu Island Resort just launched their new and improved website!  This Resort is a world class destination for all water sports with easy access to Fiji’s premiere surf breaks.  The new site showcases their resort with amazing photos and detailed information...

Surf Inspired Furniture

Nomad Mobili is a line of hand shaped high performance indoor/outdoor furniture designed by a group of surfers and famous shapers inspired by California mid-century style.  The brand recently debuted their line of mid-century furniture that uses non-toxic, bio-based,...

Blue Point Villas “Surfing in Luxury”

Blue Point Bay Villas falls into the “simply luxurious” category for surf travelers. Located on the cliffs overlooking Suluban Beach, also known as the final “Racetrack” section of the famous break Uluwatu and conveniently located within a few miles of a half...

Sea-thos Foundation Photo Show

Renowned Photographers Art Brewer and Tom Servais generously collaborate to benefit Sea-thos Foundation.  The Sea-thos Foundation exists to promote education and awareness of the human impact on the world’s oceans.  Check out this great cause and event, we...