Swilly’s Pohnpei Discovery

by | Dec 6, 2016 | Flights

Kaselehila (means hello in Pohnpei),

It has been an odd 5 days. We are still waiting on a swell, but we have had a lot of small fun days. Waiting for swell gave us a great chance to go and do the 6 waterfall trail. It’s a mind blowing valley that has 6 stunning waterfalls. In all my 12 years of coming to islands I had never done it. I have to say more fool me. This was one of the best things I have ever seen, a stunning waterfall in a lush tropical rainforest back drop. I think I said the word WOW a million times. There is a down side to this. You have to be a cross between a ninja warrior, Tri- athlete and mountaineer to get there. Saying this it’s worth the pain. Something else worth noting is the lack of any bugs or poisonous creatures. Not a snake to be seen. The island has a lack of any of these nasty things, which makes life really pleasant. Forecast is looking good for the start of December so fingers crossed.

Kalahngan (means thank you),


To learn more about Pohnpei and to book a trip CLICK HERE

All photos by Simon “Swilly” Williams

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