Surfing Lances Left & Right

by | Mar 29, 2012 | Photos

What the Mentawais are known for is clean, perfect, organized surf and that is exactly what they have been receiving lately.  The two Lances (Right & Left) have been putting on quite a performance for a small audience during the the last week or so. The pick of the sessions happening early in the week at Lances Right with epic 3 to 5 footers draining with light offshore winds and just a handful of very, very excited surfers in the line up!

Not to be completely outdone by its show off right handed neighbor, Lances Left consistently produced straight lines with whackable lips and a few shacks of its own for anyone around with a surfboard (which wasn’t many).

There were also a few waves at the beach break (last 2 images in gallery) and a wave or two at Bintangs, but it was undoubtedly the Lances’ who stole the show last week!

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