Surf Travel First-Aid Kits

by | Jan 19, 2012 | News

Waterways Surf Adventures has recently partnered with Global Odyssi, a leader in first-aid kits for surfers to offer discounted pricing on first-aid kits to anyone who books a surf trip.  Customers purchasing a trip from Waterways Surf Adventures will receive an insert in their travel wallet from Global Odyssi that contains their first-aid kits information along with the discount codes to purchase the kits exclusively from the Global Odyssi website.

Global Odyssi Surfers First Aid and Wellness Kit were developed specifically for surfers by surfers for extreme surf travel.  The Global Odyssi Surfers First Aid Kits include a comprehensive treatment manual and supplies to keep surfers safe and back in the water catching waves.  They currently offer two types of kits, The Original and The Nomad (added supplies and essentials for extreme surf trips).

From intense sunburns to a gnarly reef rash, being prepared with a first-aid kit and educated to treat any emergency situation that may arise during a surf trip is vital, especially in remote surf destinations.  So book your surf trip today and be prepared with a Global Odyssi surf travel first-aid kit (at a discounted rate)!

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