WaterWays’ Traveler Scoring “Big” in El Salvador

by | Jul 20, 2011 | Photos, Travel Stories

Erik Valenzuela has been a loyal surf traveler with WaterWays, scoring epic surf with us since 1996.  He recently traveled to El Salvador in May 2011 and wanted to share some photos with us!

Hola amigos,

I just wanted to thank you guys and share some pics of the big day we got at Punta Mango. First off Mira Flores was really cool. Everyone was really nice and the food was good. We scored on May 18th at Punta Mango, it was BIG. The rest of the trip we surfed at Sunzal. Punta Roca was good but crowded. Everywhere else was closed out, the swell was too big for most places. Good times were had by all.

For the next trip I want some Indo lefts.

Anyway, thanks again.

Erik Valenzuela

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