Getting Your Passport for a Surf Trip

by | Apr 15, 2011 | News, Surf Travel

Yes, you will need to obtain a US passport before traveling to any of our surf destinations.  When preparing to book a surf trip please make sure you have a passport or will be obtaining one shortly.  Routine processing for a US passport currently takes 4-6 weeks, so make sure you consider this before it’s too late.  There are however, passport expediting services that you can use who have a special relationship with the regional agencies that gives them priority status (passport can be delivered to you in 24 – 48 hours).

The following steps must be completed in order to obtain a US passport:

For more information visit the U.S. Department of State Travel website.

* Beginning April 1, 2011, all birth certificates must also include the full names of the applicant’s parent(s).

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