New Accomdations at the Red Frog Bungalows

by | Nov 9, 2010 | News, Surf Travel

The Red Frog Bungalows in Panama have recently added a new accommodation to their resort, the Tentalow. The Tentalow is a spacious 16’ x 14’ canvas safari tent which sits 5 feet above the jungle floor on a wraparound deck, and also has a private bathroom. For extra protection from the elements, the Tentalow sits under a large natural thatched roof made by local Ngobe Bugle Indians. The maximum occupancy is two, which is perfect if you are traveling alone or with one other individual. These new accommodations are not only comfortable but also a great way to save money! Guests can save up to $400 for a 5 night stay when booking one of the Tentalows. Keep in mind you will receive all of the same amenities that the resort has to offer when you book a Tentalow.

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